Starting an Exercise Program


I. Start out slowly

The number one reason for failed health goals is the discouragement. Instead of doing ‘too much, too soon, too hard’ starting an exercise program with LESS THAN you know you can do can help you succeed. This creates victory in your mind each day you complete a goal, and victories compounded over time, develop good habits and ENCOURAGE you to keep going. This translates into confidence!

Dietary Goals: Start with 1 single goal. Perhaps drinking 1 more glass of water each day. Tackle only 1 goal per week. Over the period of a month, you will have made 4 changes! 4 changes can literally add YEARS to your life, and more importantly add QUALITY to your remaining years.
Exercise Goals: Start with 1 single goal. Perhaps walking 10min, 3x a week is a start. If you lift weights, try adding 1 extra set to an under-developed body part. If stretching or yoga is your goal, try to do 15 minutes at least once a week. Again, changes that seem small, can produce BIG results over time if you stick to your goal.

II. Warm up

Warming up is essential no matter what kind of shape you are in. Many types of sports injuries are soft tissue injuries — those that affect muscles, tendons and ligaments. If you spend at least 10-15 minutes before every game, practice session, or exercise session to warm up your entire body, you have a much lower risk of getting injured. Think of your tendons and cartilage as putty. When the putty is cold it becomes brittle and cracks easily. If it is warmed up, it becomes pliable.

By starting out slowing, and creating healthy new habits you will build confidence and enjoy a strong body.
