
Grow Lean Logo

You MUST feed the machine in order to have the work you do in the gym translate into real visible change! WHAT, WHEN and HOW MUCH you feed the machine matters. We all get our nutrients from the things we eat. This nutrition is best attained through the consumption of whole foods. Foods are best when consumed in their purest form. For instance, when grocery shopping, the outside perimeters are what one should mostly eat. These items include meat, dairy, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Processed foods while less costly and more convenient to our eating routines are not nutritionally dense in nature and are typically high in processed simple sugars and saturated fats.


Macronutrients are substances required in relatively large amounts by living organisms, in particular. We, as humans, have 3 macronutrients. The three macronutrients we require are Protein, Fat and Carbohydrates. AAF designs a macronutrient plan for our clients based on their personal information such as weight, body fat percentage, fitness goals, food allergies and food preferences.


We, and most nutrition experts, believe that water is the most under-consumed nutrient. Most of us do not consume enough water on a daily basis and this can result in a myriad of undesirable side effects.

Nutritional supplements are necessary due to the fact that we are breaking down and building up our bodies on a consistent basis. In general, we recommend taking a multivitamin and an Omega-3 supplement. While the vitamin shortfall can be corrected by increasing consumption of vegetables and fruits, a multivitamin helps make up what our diets are missing.

Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that your body needs, but cannot make; therefore, it must be present in the diet. Omega-3 supplements also help if there is an overconsumption of the Omega-6 fatty acid found in processed foods. This will help keep the Omega 3’s and 6’s in balance.

On an individual basis, we may recommend probiotics, digestive enzymes, fiber or other supplements or the addition of certain nutrients via diet after determining your specific needs.


If you can’t meet with us in person you can try out our sound nutritional program online. Fill out your personal information, we will contact you regarding our 12 week GrowLEAN program.

Nutrition Consulting

Initial sessions are 1-1.5 hours in length. The cost is only $175 to get set up on the plan. This includes two 20 minute check-ins at 3, 6 and 10 weeks after the initial consult. This allows you and us to tweak your plan even further to meet your nutritional and metabolic needs. After providing the customized 12-week meal plan; additional follow up support is $30 for a 30 minute Skype session, phone call or one on one meeting.