
Melanie and David Riley Fitness Trainers

Working with a good trainer is invaluable for your overall fitness. Almost every day we see people exercising with terrible form, a lack of preparation, a lack of focus. They are doing the same thing over and over with little to no results. There are basic principles that anyone in the gym can learn and apply. And, there are more efficient ways of getting the job done to see big changes. It just takes a little bit of guidance, knowledge and purposeful intent.

We’ve developed a very systematic approach to the way we train. We assess all new clients to determine their goals, current levels of cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength, coordination and core strength. We use a postural assessment to determine overactive/underactive muscle complexes to start the treatment and correction of compensatory patterns of movement that have become ingrained in individuals over long periods of repetition. Once we gather all the information from our assessment, we offer ongoing training and custom designed programs to do on your own; or we can walk you through your current program to make sure your form and intensity is where it should be.

Our focus is on helping people achieve long-term results through challenging and varied workouts that involve strength training, cardiovascular work, functional training, core training and innovative stretching and release techniques.

When we couple this approach with nutritional support and a sound eating plan, you have a recipe for success!

If you can’t train with us in person, you should check out our effective online Workout Programs.